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  What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is where we insert very fine sterile and single use needles in to specific points on the body to treat a wide verity of conditions.

We only use single use sterile needles, which are disposed of immediately after use. We never use reusable needles, significantly reducing the risk of infection.

Traditional acupuncture is a tried and tested healthcare system that has been around for thousands of years in China and the Far East. Over centuries it has been developed, tested and researched to give us an understanding of a very complex and effective form of treatment.

Does Acupuncture Work?

Research scientists have conducted many experiments using an MRI to scan the brain activity whilst patients were given acupuncture. They were able to prove during these experiments how stimulating precise points on the body with acupuncture needles patients were able to tolerate more pain when receiving acupuncture than when not. The brain scans clearly show how acupuncture has a powerful effect on the brain by producing a reduction in pain activity in the brain.

Acupuncture has been shown to re-wire brain pathways and have a permanent healing effect. Today traditional acupuncture is being practiced all around the world and clinical trials are now confirming its efficacy.

Is Acupuncture Safe?

Research conclusively finds acupuncture to be one of the safest medical treatments both conventional and complementary.

Two surveys conducted independently of each other and published in the British Medical Journal in 2001 concluded that the risk of a serious adverse reaction to acupuncture is less than 1 in 10,000. This is far less than many orthodox medical treatments.

One survey was of traditional acupuncturists and the other of doctors who practice acupuncture. A total of 66,000 treatments were reviewed altogether, with only a handful of minor and transient side effects recorded (The British Acupuncture Council).

There are very few side effects from acupuncture when practiced by a fully qualified practitioner of traditional acupuncture. The most common side-effects reported included minor bleeding, or bruising at the sight of acupuncture, tiredness, dizziness and temporary aggravation of symptoms, all are mild and self-correcting.

Acupuncture is safe if administered by a fully qualified acupuncturist. In Ireland, anyone can work as an 'acupuncturist' with virtually no training. It is possible to do short courses over one to two days (sometimes referred to as 'dry needling' or 'medical acupuncture').

World Health Organization recommends a minimum of 2,500 hours of formal training to qualify as an acupuncturist. Therefore, the onus is on patients to verify how well trained their acupuncturist is.

I hold a Bachelor's degree level qualification in acupuncture after undertaking three years of formal training and a significant amount of post grad training.  I was registered with The British Acupuncture Council whilst in the UK and accredited by The Professional Standards Authority. Now living and working back in Cavan I'm a member of Ireland's Acupuncture Foundation Professional Association (AFPA) .

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Unlike injections acupuncture needles do not hurt.

Acupuncture needles are so thin you will barely feel them penetrating the skin. Once inserted, we may adjust the needle until you feel a slight ache or tingling sensation. This sensation is a sign that we've activated the acupuncture point. Research shows that it's this sensation that induces physiological changes in the body.  The sensation will settle after a few seconds. Let me know if you feel any discomfort at all and I'll adjust the needle to make it more comfortable.

If you are still concerned about having acupuncture why not book in for a free 15 minute consultation and try one needle to see how you feel.

TEL: 085 852 3740

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